Blog post

#TressTalks | Natural Vs Relaxed-Why the divide?


In celebration of reaching 10,000 followers on Instagram, I decided to launch #TressTalks, a space for ladies to share their hair stories & debate and discuss topics surrounding black hair.

We kicked off the first #TressTalks on Tuesday with a debatable question:


Do you think there’s a divide within the black hair community? If so, why do you think it exists?

I thought it would be great to kick off #TressTalks with this question because it would be a great way to get ladies of all hair types involved and shed light on an issue that is evident in real life and on social media. So I was keen to hear what my followers thought. I’m really grateful for everyone that got involved in the conversation. Check out some of the comments!

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Unfortunately, whether we like to admit it or not, there is a divide amongst the black hair community, with a strong focus on natural hair being the best option.

I feel like the divide comes from people having a strong opinion on what others choose to do with their hair. Why are we so against fat shaming but find it’s justifiable to tell someone with relaxed hair that it’s not healthy or they must not be confident enough to rock their natural hair? As always, I think the focus should be on healthy hair, whether it be natural or relaxed.

Being relaxed doesn’t mean you love yourself any less and I hope that eventually everyone’s hair choices will be respected and no one will be made to feel any less because of how they choose to manage their hair.

I hope more naturals get involved in the next topic so we can get a good insight into both sides.

Join in the conversation every Tuesday on my Instagram.

It’s not too late to have your say! What do you think of the responses? Do you think there’s a divide in the black hair community? Have you ever experienced hair shaming?Leave your comments below!

~Healthy Hair Junkie~

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