5 Ways to use Coconut Oil for longer, healthier hair!
Coconut oil has to be one of my favourite discoveries since being on my hair journey. It’s definitely a staple product in my hair regime and I think everyone should have a tub in their collection!
The benefits of coconut oil are:
Coconut oil helps hair retain moisture and prevents hair from drying
It strengthens your hair by binding to its natural protein structure
It provides great shine for your hair
Coconut oil is packed with nutrients including vitamin E, K & iron, which to encourage hair growth
It has antibacterial properties & can help combat dandruff
So here are 5 ways to incorporate coconut oil into your hair regime!
Wash Day Prep
The night before wash day, apply coconut oil to your scalp and the full length of your hair.
An easy way of doing this is to add coconut oil to an applicator bottle and leave it in a bowl of warm water until it softens. Sleep in a plastic cap to avoid oils stains and let the coconut oil work its magic! Rinse with cool water and shampoo & deep condition as normal.
This pre-poo recipe is great for strengthening your hair and retaining moisture that is often removed during the shampooing processing.
4 tbsp Coconut Oil
4 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive oil
2 tbsp honey
Mix the ingredients together and apply to your hair in sections. Cover with a plastic cap and leave for at least 30 minutes; you can also add heat using a heated cap. Again, rinse and shampoo & deep condition as normal.
Deep Conditioner
Melt 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and add it to your favourite moisturising conditioner.
Scalp Massage
Again, add coconut oil to an applicator bottle and leave it in a bowl of warm water until it softens. Apply the oil in 4 sections, directly to your scalp. Massage your scalp in a circular motion, using your fingertips.
A lot of my favourite hair moisturisers contain coconut oil, try mixing a moisturising hair spritz to refresh your hair during the colder months.
Mix your spritz by melting coconut oil, adding glycerin and rosewater and a few drops of your favourite essential oils to a spray bottle.
Coconut oil is affordable and easily accessible, you should be able to find it in your local supermarket. I recommend using extra virgin and organic oils where possible so you can reap the full benefits.
Coconut oil is also great to use as part of a healthy diet, so I always make sure I pick up one tub for my hair and one to cook with!
How do you use coconut oil?
~Healthy Hair Junkie~
21st January 2017 at 8:12 pm
I am also going to try grow my hair too! because when I had long hair, I THOUGHT it was short, and dry and had too many split ends, but nope, I had PERFECT long brown hair, so now, I am trying to grow my hair, I have good hair growth lol. my hair is like this much longer than yours, this much: [ ] and I want my hair back down to m waist, sooooooo I’m using coconut oil which I buy in asda for £2! so yehh 🙂 here is a tip which actually will seem disgusting to some people : eat/drink two tablespoons of coconut oil per day, it will help u lose weight faster, and grow longer thicker hair! and make nails less britle <3 and I u use it on eyelashes , it will help grow them longer and thicker, it also stops them falling out xxxxxxx hope this helps 🙂
Healthy Hair junkie
21st January 2017 at 9:31 pm
Thanks for sharing! x
My Healthy Hair Regime – Healthy Hair Junkie
21st May 2018 at 5:11 pm
[…] 5 Ways to use Coconut Oil for longer, healthier hair! […]